About me

My Story:

Experiencing a major health crisis 10 years ago changed my life in a profound way. I’ve reoriented my life toward presence, purpose, and joy and away from achievement, competition, and busy-ness. An important part of my journey to wellness has been in learning about neuroplastic change in the brain, and the critical importance of mindset and emotional healing in chronic health conditions. It has been exciting and motivating to experience the magic of my own brain’s ability to rewire itself to bring healing to my physical body. 
My previous career was in higher education, working 15 years in student services and administration. I am an educator and life long learner at heart. I bring expertise as a holistic academic & career advisor, mid-level manager, and program director within both the traditional and remote university setting. I studied biology as an undergraduate, and am fascinated by systems of all kinds.  
Originally a west coaster, I grew up in Sonoma County, California, and then lived in Oregon for 16 years. I'm currently in Madison, Wisconsin with my husband and two fun and lively golden retrievers. I love being outside, hiking, traveling, and exploring new places. I’m also a music lover, and play flute with several groups in the local community.


  • BS in General Biology, minor in Flute Performance, University of California at San Diego
  • EdM in College Student Services and Administration, Oregon State University

Trainings and Workshops: